Sunday, May 19, 2013


Our nephew Beckett just turned 2! We went to Beckett's cute Nemo themed party! We ate lots of yummy food! & had a great time watching all the little kids on the Sharp side run wild:) The Sharp's have a school bus full of Grandkids! Happy Birthday little man:) A few snap shots I took...

We also had my DAD in town from NYC! YAYAYAYAYAYA! I am grateful that my Dad gets enough sky miles from traveling for work he can come see us every so often! Trevor & I invited the fam over for a Till BBQ at the Stapley house hold:) It's a Till Tradition to make Koren meat at our Till BBQ's so this year I tired it out and it was ok for a first timer:) everyone brought something so we had lots of yummy food and a great time!